Hubby and I went in for our an appointment with our midwife, Alice, on December 1st, our due date being December 5th. Everything checked out perfectly, I was about 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. My midwife brought up the topic of induction if I were to go past my due date. I was happy that she did because I wanted to know how that sort of thing worked, scheduling wise. She pointed out the dates on the calendar and mentioned they would prefer to induce no later than December 17th. I had no desires to go that far past my due date and she suggested the 10th since their inductions were only scheduled Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. I asked if December 8th would be just as acceptable being that it was my grandfather's birthday and that I'd also like to maximize the time my mother had with us and the baby. So it was set, we'd go to the hospital on Monday, December 8, 2014 if he didn't arrive sooner!
He didn't.
The night before, hubby and I packed up the car and had a nice relaxing night. I slept wonderfully. I woke up at 4:30 and did some last minute packing and then woke Mitch up to get ready. We showered, got dressed, and made the call to the hospital to make sure there was a bed available, our hospital is the only hospital in town that has a Labor & Delivery floor and there are only 8 beds so our induction could have been bumped if they were full. They had space available so we were good to come in. I ate a healthy but hearty breakfast and we made the trip in. We could be there no later than 6:30. We arrived at 6:15 and I was in a room and hooked up to IV fluids and Pitocin by 7:00. It was time to get this party started! My nurse, Donna, was great. She was a no fuss kind of person and I liked her. I think I would have preferred to have had the first nurse who checked me in but she was night shift, bummer! But still, Donna was amazing.

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hanging out during the "boring part" |
After the epidural was placed I was in heaven, my monitor wasn't picking up anything even though I could tell I was having contractions, so to keep an eye on little guy they placed a scalp electrode. It gave me great peace of mind during but also caused a lovely tear after. I had the epidural right around 12:00/1:00 and things slowed down a bit...then...transition hit. That was the worst, even with the epidural my back was throbbing, I had massive heartburn, and I was just generally uncomfortable. They did give me a lovely dose of minty Mylanta. They checked me and called Alice (who's office was literally across the street) at around 2:30. We did a few practice pushes starting about an hour later. I pooped. Everyone does it. I knew I would. The funny part about that was I noticed Donna walk away and toss something in the trash bin. So, me in my loopy state, asked her. "That was poop, wasn't it." She shrugged and said, no biggie and I laughed, Mitch started to say something and my mom shushed him, I didn't really pay attention to that. Later, Mitch spilled the beans that that was the second time it had happened and he'd witnessed it all! Um, hello!!! You said you weren't watching?! HAHA! Alice showed up sometime during all of this and took over and we started pushing for real. They gave me oxygen and off to the races we went!
Pushing was actually very relieving and not painful to me at all. I don't know if that's a normal thing, if women are relieved or if I was just glad to be getting close to the end. I definitely puked all over my husband, but I barely had anything in my stomach and it was all minty flavored afterwards--thanks Mylanta!--so I wasn't even phased by it. I couldn't speak for my husband but he seemed to take it in stride. I think I tried to apologize but he wouldn't hear it and just kept telling me it was OK and there was nothing to be sorry for, nevertheless I felt kinda bad! After about 45 minutes of pushing our beautiful baby boy was born!
At 4:28 PM we welcomed Lincoln Cash Anderson into the world! He weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces (a full pound under what we had both guessed!) and measured exactly 20 inches long with a mohawk of bright blonde hair! He was amazing!
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Daddy watching Linc after his first bath |
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This baby just can't even. |
This story is part of a link up so make sure you head over to Jessica's blog to share your own story or to read everyone else's!
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